Hannah Peters

By Kevin Henderson, November 4, 2020


I am a 50-something year old female who pretty much fell into cycling about 5 years ago as a way of regaining my fitness post-kids and as a means of gaining some much-needed “me-time”. I joined my local cycling club and quickly discovered Zwift, allowing me to ride and train all year round. Recently, though, I had hit a wall in my training but couldn’t work out what the problem was. I was working hard but I had begun to struggle to complete workouts, was repeatedly being dropped on my weekly Zwift Team Time Trials, my heart rate was racing, my legs felt heavy… I just didn’t feel right.

Confused and with my confidence plummeting rapidly I contacted Kevin for help. He phoned me back straight away and we had a very useful chat about my recent experiences, my aspirations as a cyclist and most importantly for me, how to get my training back on track. Within a couple of days Kevin sent me a series of test workouts to establish an accurate snapshot of my fitness level.

The results of these tests clearly showed that my functional threshold power (ftp) was set too high and needed to come down slightly. With a realistic benchmark to work from, Kevin set up daily workouts which I could do either outside or on Zwift, giving me the flexibility to fit training around the British weather, my job and my family. For the first time in my cycling life I had a structure in place and somebody to do all the thinking for me… the relief this gave me was immeasurable.

Kevin also quickly identified that I had been overtraining and that this was a key area that I needed to address in order to halt the slide in my fitness. How did he know this? Because Kevin’s coaching skills combine the personal touch with a scientific approach to training via continued analysis of the data that each workout produces. His ability to interpret this data means he can constantly tweak the workouts depending on how my body is reacting to them. This man knows his stuff!!!

I have only been with Kevin for four months but his impact on my cycling has been immense. He works me very hard but ensures that I also build in adequate recovery time. As a result I am often pushing to my limits, yet I am remaining injury free. He is incredibly supportive, patient and always provides me with valuable feedback on my performance. Whenever I have a question, I get a prompt reply. Thanks to Kevin my training is back on track, I am loving my cycling and I feel great!! I can’t think of a higher accolade than to say I trust his abilities as a coach 100%.